Aston & Samantha – Hedingham Castle

Aston & Samantha – Hedingham Castle
Aston and Samantha’s wedding was held at a beautiful venue called Hedingham Castle, which was like something out of a fairytale. The sun was shining brightly on their wedding day and you could smell fresh flowers in the air. It was perfect.
In the morning when I arrived at Samantha’s bridal suite on the grounds of the venue, the atmosphere was electric. The girls were all excited and drinking some prosecco. Just a cheeky one before the main ceremony.
I started to document and photography Sam’s dress and the event’s unfolding during the preparations. Sam was a little nervous but but I believe it was more excitement for her big day.
The time had come for me to leave the bridal suite and head up to the castle. At the castle a meet with Aston who was also excited. We chatted a little before he head off to the main ceremony where I would shortly join.
The ceremony went quick and the guest’s were soon outside with Samantha and Aston drinking Pimms in the sun. It was truly a perfect day with the weather on our side and more.
Samanthan and Aston, we wish you all the love in the world x