About Me
Hi! I’m John
Wedding photographer
family. Life. friends.
Yup! Thats me. Me and my little sister. I cannot begin to tell you how important this photo is to me. Me and my little sister haven’t had an easy ride but we are still here and love life. The photo below is on my 40th! Family is so important to me. More important than anything.

If I had to chose one thing I love to do most, it would be travelling and photography. Albeit I have not had much time to travel given recent events I have had loads of time to do some photography. I don’t go anywhere without my camera and the family have kind of got used to it now.
My second love in the world is motorcycles. And my last motorbike was KTM Super Duke 1290r. But I can go from that to a classic Triumph Bonville. Specifically the one with Steve McQueen had while hanging off it in the film, The Great Escape.
Steve McQueen, or Mr Cool as he was known, has always been a hero of mine. Style, adventure, and living life is what he represents to me. My favourite films of his are the Great Escape and Le Mans. What I call Sunday watching movies.
I guess at this point I am a wedding photography veteran. I have now been shooting weddings for over 10 years and still very busy, so I suppose I must be doing something right. In all honesty, I have lost count of the amount of weddings I have shot over the years but the last time I checked it was over 300. However, every one of those weddings have made me appreciate love and family, which are two things very important to me.
Being a wedding photographer is a genuine privilege. Meeting new people, having interesting conversations, going places I wouldn’t normally go, and being part of a day that is being cemented within the family history.
When I look back on my old family photos of me, my Mum, My Dad, and my little sister, I feel overwhelmed with emotions. It’s hard to believe I once looked that way. That my Mum was once 16 years old (my Dad was a photographer). It’s hard to put into words how important these photos are to me. Having the opportunity to create these memories for someone else, knowing these photos will be looked back on in 20, 30, maybe 100 years from now when I am long gone, is something truly special.
The truth is, I am just a storyteller. Capturing special moments between two people and sewing those moments together in a way that will last a lifetime. I couldn’t think of anything else I would rather be doing.
Me in action

Adventure. Life. family.
Well, I hope this page has given you a little insight into the man behind the lens. The truth is, I really do believe that photography is important. And nothing could be more meaningful than wedding photos because of what they mean to my clients.
My secret talent
I can juggle. No lie….
Favourite film?
Too many to chose from but if I had to chose one it would be Shawshank Redemption
What's your favourite sport?
Boxing, cycling, and lifting weights.